
  • Muhammad Azis Sudiyat Institut Agama Islam Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi (INISA) Tambun-Bekasi
  • Solahuddin Solahuddin Institut Agama Islam Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi (INISA) Tambun-Bekasi


Concept; Management; Islamic da'wah; Digital era


The machine is a vital part, with several supporting tools that can move massively to produce a
process, namely solid and perfect goods. So if the machine is not managed properly some of the supporting
tools will move erratically or can damage some production results. Like a machine, da'wah is a major part
in producing buds that always spread the religion of Islam. Da'wah is also the engine or soul for Islamic
teachings on earth. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the concept means; understanding, mental
image of the object, process, opinion (understanding), design (aspirations) that has been thought of.
Management basically does not have a standard and fixed definition that is universally agreed upon.
However, Ricky W. Griffin defines management as a process of planning, organizing, coordinating, and
controlling resources to achieve goals (goals) effectively and efficiently. Effective means that goals can be
achieved according to planning, while efficient means that existing tasks are carried out correctly, organized
and according to schedule. A new era brings new weapons, that is what Tan Malaka said in his book, His
Youthful Spirit. Each era has its own characteristics. This characteristic brings two things, either glory or
damage. The Da'wah of Islam brought by the Most Beautiful Man, the Most Noble Man, namely His
Majesty the Prophet Muhammad Saw, is an activity that brings light to darkness, delivers freedom from
slavery, delivers faith from polytheism. After His Majesty Saw passed away to Rahmatullah, Islamic
Da'wah continued with His Companions Saw. Executed with the guidance that has been exemplified by
His Majesty, do not change the teachings even if one letter. However, the Companions who stopped by in
their respective times had several social methods that were applied to the Muslims so that the light delivered
by His Majesty would remain intact and be conveyed even though the times had brought their characteristics
which might lead to damage on earth.




How to Cite

Azis Sudiyat, M. ., & Solahuddin, S. (2023). KONSEP DAN MANAJEMEN DAKWAH ISLAM DI ERA DIGITAL. Moderation | Journal of Islamic Studies Review, 3(1), 125–134. Retrieved from http://journal.adpetikisindo.or.id/index.php/moderation/article/view/75